Free Market Analysis By Leo Swoyer

Small house-desk-map-computer


During my free no-obligation consultation, I will offer suggestions to prepare the property for sale and answer any questions you may have.

Should you decide to use me to sell their home, I will also work up a current marketing value range that appears most supported by my analysis.  My valuations are not computer-generated statistical analyses of your home’s value based (which tend to be inaccurate for most properties) – you can get those from other agents and online. Once we know what the market supports, we can then strategize where to price it. That may be above the market, at the market, or below the market, depending on many potential factors.

Pricing and marketing a property to leverage its most valuable assets and features is key to selling a property for the best price. My job is to make the process of marketing and selling your home simple and effective while maximizing your net return.

I’m not a one size fits all kind of person. I don’t treat people that way, and I don’t market their property that way.

To arrange a free no-obligation home-sale consultation, suggestions for marketing your home, and a free market-analysis, click the contact link below or on the menu.